Monday, May 18, 2009


Sigh. I wish I wasn't so utterly incapable of writing something that's not religion/faith based. Wow. I wish that I would use less negatives in a sentence. That's a bit confusing.

The problem with writing something that's not churchy is that my life is churchy. I'm back home. I go to church on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and other random days when I'm working at the CDC or when I need to help set up for something or meet someone. I'm really bad at saying no to anyone at church. I mean, I'm only back for a month. I want to do the most I can. Which is why I ended up making three boulders, with the help of the lovely Jessie Moss, and ten commandments for the kid's play on Wednesday and Sunday. It's why I pulled my Ninja Turtle out of storage to do the children's moment on Sunday. It's why I drag my french horn from Chapel Hill to Hickory and pull out my flute after weeks, if not months, of inactivity. You'd think I'd have another portion to my life. Sadly, that portion is left in Chapel Hill and 100 miles is a long way away.

Geeze, and God is everywhere. I go fly a kite and I get ideas about how faith is like trying to fly a kite with no wind if you're not waiting in God- you get tired pretty fast and get frustrated. Oh, dear and Danny Gokey just talked about his faith on the TV guide channel. That kid is going to go places. PS if I voted, I'd totally vote for Adam. Just in case you wanted to know.

I hate being wrong. Someone should start a blog called Dishwashing Revelations because goodness knows I learn more washing the dishes than I do sitting in a lecture. I had just calmly placed a plate in the dishwasher after telling God that I thought He would fight harder for me. I can't turn around being reminded of Him. Fighting hard enough?

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