Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This is for You, Self-Righteous Jerk in my Education Class

OK, can I just say something?

I am never going to tell a kid that they can't do something, that they can't go to college, that they can't be a doctor, that they can't save the world, because not only do I not know their full potential, but I am consistently amazed at God's potential and in His work through humans. I might not believe it all the time, but things can change and the easiest way to stop change from happening is to stop the people driving the change from believing that things could get better.

But I am not going to let a kid set themselves up for failure. They have to know what they're getting into and someone has to be there for them. I am not going to let someone dream that they'll stand on Saturn. I'll stay up all night with them to help them get to stand on Mars and I'll work with them every second of every day to make sure that they are everything they think they can be and more, but I am not going to pat them on the back and tell them they can do whatever they want to do. You have to be in love with physics to make it through it, or be willing to abuse it in order to get to what you really love. You have to have a drive to be a doctor to get through med school. College isn't what everyone wants and it isn't what everyone needs in their lives. Find your dream and follow it, but don't assume that your dream is going to follow you.

You can change the world. You just gotta know that the world's going to fight back.

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