Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Of Statuses and Zombies

Facebook statuses can be really inspiring.

No lie. Some people put the best bible verses up there in wonderful translations, or they put crazy encouraging song lyrics up, or occasionally just life testimonies that are powerful, even in their simplicity. If you don't have some Christian friends on Facebook, go and grab a couple and friend them just for the happiness they will randomly pour into your day.

Especially Wednesdays, apparently. I just scrolled down and counted about five status updates that were God/Jesus related. Also, got wind of a sweet Augustine quote today- when you sing, you pray twice, or some variation around there. Regardless of the actual intent, I like the idea as it comes from that little excerpt and the snooty snob in my head who hates things when taken out of context can get over herself. But yeah, cheerfulness and faithful hearts abound on my newsfeed right now and I love that about my life.

At the same time, I look at my status updates and they're not anything like that. Why am I not so uplifting and encouraging? I took a screen shot of my newsfeed, which included my status, just to get a sense of the discouraging face-palm that is my status. Here you kids are talking about God making a temple out of this land, or about the way He leads you through valley or the joy you're experiencing and I'm complaining, again, about the love of my life. He's a pretty common theme in statuses and would probably be the biggest thing in a wordle of my life. And you know, I don't think it's a bad thing to think about the people you care about, even if you care about them more than you're supposed to. I just think that somewhere along the way, God should be glorified in something that I do. Why not take the easy route? A status can even be copied and pasted. Ten seconds to bring a little bit of happiness into the world instead of a little bit of sadness.

And I can't do it. Selfish little soul of discontent and quiet sadness, I can't take the least little bit of time to share some goodness with the people around me. No one cares about my loml. My loml doesn't even care that he's my loml. You know the best thing about Zombieland? No Facebook status updates. Yes, I think in a zombie apocalypse, the best thing about it would be that my protests against the world's oppression of hopeless romantics and silly girls with flowers would be over.

But the bright side of all of this is that I don't have to wait for a virus to mutate and spread throughout the world making us all into brain-craving drooling cannibals (though it probably wouldn't work out anyway) to stop my status from being a burden. I can choose to be better now. And you know, I don't think I can come out of the negativity rut by myself- none of us are in a vacuum- but I think that I don't have to live in the rut.

Did you know that 80% of the thoughts you think are negative? Don't do that to yourself, friend! Carve out a new path for your thoughts and sing a new song. Best lesson I ever learned from my former college roommate? That no one is ever too good for someone else- we all have worth just because we're human beings. Don't you dare think of yourself as anything less. You're worth something, dammit.

Now go live like it.

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