Friday, September 10, 2010

Overflow of the Heart

I'm all about choices. I'm also all about late night heart to hearts with good friends who are headed far away from me whom I will miss quite a bit.God inspires you in the most unexpected times, even after you've been disappointed. Friends, He is there for you. I don't care if you don't care about Him, the Man is working, and it's going to be beautiful.

Choose to be better. I know you've got problems, you've got commitments, you've got things going on. Choose to be better through them. Choose to be the best person you can be. Choose to be devoted. Choose to do the work. Choose to wake up. Choose to be more. Make the choice to change something instead of complaining about it. Do something. Be something. Choose to be more.

Don't just say it. Friends, words don't do much. Do things. Do unexpected things. Do wonderful things. Don't be afraid, because you have been promised. It has been promised that you can do all things. Nothing is going to get done until you choose to do it. So choose. Do.

Let the Spirit work in you, my friends. Be encouraged. Be lifted up. Be pushed forward. Choose to be more and choose to let Life fill you. Choose to stand up. Choose to be full. Choose to be more. Don't let anything pull you down.

Because you can. I have faith in you. You. Can.

Make the choice.

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