Thursday, March 8, 2012

Good You Can Do

I don't want to comment on Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video. If you haven't seen it, google it and spend some time reading about Invisible Children's projects. They are amazing at raising awareness for people in Central Africa.

Before you share petitions around, though, make sure you know what you're supporting. There's been a lot of negative or questioning response to IC's video, including this Tumblr blog (the page linked has a collection of thoughtful responses, and the previous post has IC's official response to the internet's objections). Personally, I think peace and safety in the region is going to require more than bringing one man to justice- here's just one editorial that speaks to that.

This discussion that's been taking up the internet (on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, etc) could just be one more thing that makes you want to throw your hands up in the air and write a petition to ban comments sections on websites, but I think it's really a good thing. The best part about all of this dialogue about how we should work to bring peace and justice to people all around the world is that it exists. A cry for action was posted and people heard that cry. Then other people, wanting to present a fuller, more complex view of the world, responded, affirming some things and correcting others. Then we, as privileged people of the world today, are left to make judgments and decisions for ourselves.

So read articles. Make judgments. Make decisions. Help out the people and the organizations that best work to alleviate the problems that tear most at your heart. There's a lot of bad in the world, but the great thing is that there are so many ways to counter it with good. If supporting Invisible Children's entire mission isn't what you want to do, find other places:

-Aid for Africa is a partnership of 80 charities, giving you the opportunity to look for organizations with missions you fully want to support:
-Charity Navigator evaluates charities and non-profit organizations so you can give to the ones that most efficiently use your money. You can search by location, by ranking, or browse through their top-10 lists. works on providing clean drinking water. This is just one quality way of making the world a better place. is a microfinance organization that enables you to give loans to entrepreneurs in the developing world. It's another one of those highly-ranked organizations, and it's building lasting solutions to poverty.

Donating to these organizations is something you can literally do while sitting on your couch. It's an immediate good you can do in the world, something detailed and concrete. It's a step you can take when you're bothered by the things that are wrong in the world. If an organization speaks to you, don't hesitate to get involved, with your money or with your time. If you feel like you should focus on something closer to home, look into supporting the organizations in your community that do good. Talk to people. Find places to volunteer. Don't let this flame die down into a memory of a momentary interest. Run the marathon, not the sprint.

Sometimes I feel like the world is a china shop and all of us are toddlers left alone inside, knocking things over and getting hurt, yet somehow still expected to fix it all. The good news is that people are already working to fix things, and that we can help.

Let's do this, guys.

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