Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lenten Tweets

I am having absurd amounts of difficulty writing anything that isn't in some way pathetic, whining, and sad. So, instead of writing, I will offer you some potential Lenten tweets, because 140 characters is a good limit for people who like to use too many words.

I only knew it was Mardi Gras because Ash Wednesday was the next day. #churchkidproblems

I was wearing purple and I felt very in tune, liturgically. #HappyLent

This year for Lent, I'm flat out giving up all the bad things I do. It's a short list. #humblebrag

Staring at my plan for Lenten devotions, looking at the readings from the BCP. Too much. #smh

Now, the year I gave up yelling at basketball games. That was a mistake. #goheelsgoamerica

Those ashes definitely came off more easily than my mascara did. #notsurewhatthatmeans

Can't we just skip Lent this year? I mean, February certainly thinks it's Easter already.

I already gave up Facebook for Lent! Can you do repeats on that? #Lentenseconds

But really, 40 days? Who does that? #seriously

So this whole forgiveness-of-sins thing. You can get that done weekly, right? #thingspileup

RT If you gave up Twitter for Lent. #ohwait #jkguys

I think up the best tweets during church (esp. the sermon) but I forget them by the time I get to my phone. #cruelirony #firstworldproblems

You know, if Jesus were to die today, Twitter would probably crash with all of the expressions of sadness and tweeting great quotes of His.

#FF means Fasting Fridays. #yougottawalkbeforeyoucanrun

Really? Chocolate, caffeine, and Facebook are the things keeping you away from God the most? #doubtful #harshtweet

So does this mean we can't smile until March? #Lentquestions

RT @EveryTweetEver Poignant Tweet to end a rant

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