Friday, April 29, 2011

In Which I List Things and Say Too Much

It's that time of year when I'm far too distracted to string a coherent sentence together, but when I should like to share with you deep and soul-searching facts about myself and my life as a Carolina student, which is quickly drawing to a semi-end. I apologize, dear blog-faithful followers, for letting student teaching and life in general get the best of me and depriving you of my oh-so-eloquent ramblings on the beauty that is our existence, and I regret to inform you that come May 20th, I'll move on to a different blog, at least for the summer, so that others can enjoy the chronicles of epic adventure that can only be my escapades in Europe, but I fully intend to churn out ten more posts between now and then, to reach the good and even number of 200. So even though, at this moment, I can't really tell you everything I want to in the way I want to, know that our time has not yet come, friends, which is sincere statement of truth number one.

2. My tiny laptop has seven hours of battery life. SEVEN. HOURS. What?
3. I have to take the PRAXIS in the morning, meaning I have to be in Durham at 7:30 AM. Isn't it amazing how daily hardships become tragedies when they are only inflicted once instead of perpetually?
4. I used the word "verbose" in my planetarium show. I can't telling if this is a win or a loss.
5. I now can't use the words epic fail because of this STW:
6. I laughed so hard at these 31 jokes for nerds, and enjoyed them even more because my students told me about them first:
7. My students painted a tree and put their thumbprints on it as the leaves and signed it and gave me a card and gave me food and I almost think that I could teach if I knew for a fact that I would get this kind of reward every time because that painting is currently vying for the position of my favorite thing, along with my class ring.
8. Is everytime a word? When is anytime appropriate? These are grammatical problems I must overcome!
9. I love the white rose sitting on my desk. I love my sisters. Any further expression of the good and beautiful thing that SAI has been in my life would require me to cry on my tiny laptop and I just don't think I can do that today.
9a. I am so happy for the person that you all think that I am and I hope that, most of the time, I'm really that person.
10. I love the notebook and pottery bowl that I got from Wesley Senior Banquet. Even though I could never make it a priority in my life, I have always felt ridicuously welcomed at Wesley and love that I am part of the love and all the good that they do by all the means they can, in all the ways they can, in all the places they can, at all the times they can, to all the people they can, as long as they can.
11. I had the awesome honor of being a member of a choir called Heels to Heaven this year and even though I had no time to devote to it, I have definitely seen grace and love every time I've come to a rehearsal, to a performance or to a gathering of these wonderful people. You've blessed me in so many ways and it's been a while since I've had anything require me to use those words.
12. I'm going to my first and last spring band banquet tomorrow. What?
13. I went out on Franklin Street for the first and last time a Thursday ago and maintain that I would have sung along to Piano Man that loudly anyway.
14. I sing along to The Avett Brothers in public without shame.
15. I want someone to show me how to (or give me a reason to) do that with life.
16. I appreciate and understand the difficult things in life. I'm not even sure I could handle the good things.
17. Freshman year me was pretty perceptive. I've got to stop bashing her, idealistic fool that she was.
18. I would definitely be a princess, given the opportunity.
19. I would definitely be an astronaut given the opportunity.
20. I don't think that it's weird that both of those statements are facets of my character.
21. I am excited beyond belief that I don't have to leave here next year.
22. I am extraordinarily nervous that I'm making plans for the next year that the person who comes back from Europe will find juvenile and useless but will nevertheless be stuck with.

So there you go. Twenty two things from a person who has lived twenty two years who is fully aware of her insignificance, much more so than her significance, who travels around this place under the guard of the amazing love that never seems to fail her, much to her confusion and misunderstanding. Goodness, it's so good to be saying things again. Promise, the text from the next post will seem less like an excerpt from V for Vendetta, though I can't promise that the subject matter will be any less self-absorbed. I need something in this world to care about things simply because I care about them, which is insincere statement of possible falsehood number one.

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