Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Listen, can I just say that there is nothing wrong with having free lunch? Plenty of people had free or reduced lunch in high school and that doesn't mean a thing about your school's quality or the people you're teaching because we are not determined by our socioeconomic status. I know how much your home can affect who you are and I know how difficult having any kind of financial disadvantage can make, but I also know the wonderful ability of the human body and the human spirit to heal and recover and overcome the problems we face.

And listen, I know and understand that my students have other issues that are stopping them from learning, that they're not just lazy and they're not just spiting me. I know and I understand and I'm willing to work with them but I also know that I need something from them. I need them to try. I need them to work a little bit. Give me an inch, just somewhere to get my grip, and I'll pull you along until you're where everyone else is in the first place. And it's hard, I know, I know, I know. But I also know that you can do it. And I'll work harder. I'll be more prepared, I'll have problems prepared, I'll have ways to explain things, I'll understand the topic as best I can and I'll work until I can't keep my eyes open anymore to make things clear to you, but you gotta give me something. I don't care where you're from or where you've been or what's holding you back. You can do it. You gotta have confidence in yourself, regardless of your situation. We choose who we are and you can choose to be better. You can choose to work hard so that there's nothing standing in your way. And I'm not just saying that- I know that if you want this, it's going to be a lot of hard work, a lot of hours before or after school, a lot of time spent beating your head over these problems but they'll get you where you want to go, I promise. You'll learn to think and work and I don't care if you want to go to college or work or join the military, thinking and working will get you places other people aren't going to go. It's your life here. It's your choices and you gotta choose them. Choose to be great, like I know you are.

Ain't nothing wrong with free lunch anyway.

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