Saturday, March 28, 2009


If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Does that make anyone else just the slightest bit annoyed? Yes, I have to ask. I don't have a habit of asking pointless questions. Get off your high horse, leave your presumptuous attitude behind and just answer my question. That response just leaves me with the suspicion that the responder doesn't really have an answer- or if he does, he'd rather not share it because he is bent on remaining mysterious and interesting. Either way, I'm still left more annoyed after I ask than I was before with my curiosity.

The only reason I start out my new blog with that statement and subsequent paragraph of unnecessary anger is because I intend to use that phrase to explain what I'm doing here. Ugh, I'm so not a blogger. I hate creative writing, your heart and soul forced to hide between words for the world to see and criticize. And English apparently isn't my forte, as I've pretty much failed at speaking, much less setting my ideas down in well formed and coherent paragraphs. So, really, I have no purpose being here, writing things and then posting them onto some place on the interwebs for the universe to observe. It's a bit very much not me. But, then again, here I am. I serve no real purpose here. 'So why are you here?' you may ask. 'Why would you, a physics major and astronomy lover, title your blog with something as down to earth as blackberries and blackbirds?' you could continue. And as our conversation grows, you might ask questions about life, the universe and everything, which I'll do my best to answer. You might could ask about Everything and sometimes I'll have a great answer that applies to everyone else, but if you ever ask about me, I'll probably just smile.

Well, if you have to ask, you'll never know.

So here's me. Enjoy. I intend to post things on my favorite subjects, which means you'll get a lot of me and God, some astronomy (not necessarily unrelated to the first), some music (which always reminds me of the first two) and some really funny things (ponder the platapus). I'm guessing that it's only going to be people that know me reading this, so if I make a reference to something you didn't know about me, bug me, I'll explain. I go to Carolina, I worked at Camp Joy in Hildebran for the past 4 summers and God has been wrenching my heart and life around Him, much to my confusion, joy and dismay. Reading this is probably like picking up in medias res or watching a master artist as he paints. I'm a work in progress. Thank goodness for progress.

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